I miss skylarks!

Must find that book, I find the interconnectedness been trees and the fungal network fascinating.

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The concept that resilience comes through connectivity and mutual support, be that in trees through the wood-wide web, or humans through families and community is just how nature works. Unfortunately the human ego can sometimes delude itself that we are apart from nature, and that John Donne was wrong when he said 'no (wo)man is an island'.

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Suzanne 's core point that life is interconnected is a central dichotomy in politics . The Regan/ Thatcher belief of the right wing is that "there is no such thing as society just individuals" It explains the predicament we are in regarding ourselves and with nature . The same principle is behind McGregor's XY theory and numerous other beliefs that have been sidelined for over 50 years

Del Goddard

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