Beautiful reflections ... hugs from us for all the down days of chronic illness. Hoping Spring lifts the spirits. PS ... your orchard looks like a gorgeous space.

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Oh thank you. The orchard isn't much, could do with more love but it's close by and has lots of nice places to sit.

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Ours sounds the same ... the 'verger' ... neglected for a few years we think ... just snipping a bit, clearing the ivy and the overhanging trees in the wood next to it so the light gets through, and we'll use it as a space for camping and dining out. The shade is good in the early evening when it's still baking elsewhere.

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Yours sounds lovely too. I think there are some regular volunteers and they have cleared and planted more trees over winter. Lots of dog walkers come through like me and a forest school group use it. It's sandwiched between a council estate, allotments and the south downs so an odd liminal space.

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