Hello, I’m Rachel, thank you for popping over.

I’m an artist, writer, noticer of nature, and outdoor lover. I paint, draw, write, read, swim in the sea, walk on the Downs, and wrap myself in blankets. I live with a chronic illness which was the push to start this after leaving my previous career as a teacher. I’m on Instagram as @RachelGoddardArts.

This little slice of the internet is about creativity and nature. It’s for (re) connection with nature and creativity. A place to use creativity to explore the more than human world and nature as a nudge to be curious and creative.

I hope it is a place of calm, of space, of beauty. To find awe and wellbeing. To nurture yourself and the world around you.

I’ve recently completed green sketching training with Dr Ali Foxon (@ali_foxon on IG) as her Green Sketching manifesto and handbook is exactly what I want to share with others. Do go and check her out. I’m also training in Nature Connection and hoping do to a Nature Therapy course later this year.

Gosh, that sounds all a bit grand doesn’t it? Well, maybe, but I promise I’m not! This really is for everyone that maybe wants to bring a bit of creativity and/or nature into their lives. It’s not about art instruction, but an invitation. It’s not about learning biology. It’s about joy, calm and being in the moment.

To read more about what I’m doing, have a look at this post.

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All the main posts will be free to all. I want this to be accessible to all. Subscribing means you’ll never miss an update. I will not spam you or pass on your information to any other organisations. To find out more about how Substack. works go to Substack.com.

Paid subscribers

In addition to the free content, I am offering a paid subscription. This gives you the added glow to know you are supporting me to do this. You’ll also get additional content such as videos and audio from the great outdoors and my studio. I’m also looking into doing regular online meet ups.

It’s about creating a community, sharing what we have noticed, how to bring nature into our daily life, and how it is sparking our creativity.

If you can’t do a paid monthly subscription (and I totally understand that) maybe consider a one-off donation through ‘buy me a ko-fi’.

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Subscribe to Rachel Goddard - Create with nature

Nature connection and creativity for you and the planet.


Creativity, nature and wellbeing. I'm an artist, writer, teacher, outdoor and nature lover, sea swimmer, noticer of small things, book reader. You can support my work by going to my kofi page - https://ko-fi.com/rachelgoddardarts